Hornbill Unleashed

February 6, 2018

Two-tier cabinet proposal insulting to non-Muslims, say Sarawak activists

Filed under: Politics — Hornbill Unleashed @ 8:03 AM

Two-tier cabinet proposal insulting to non-Muslims, say Sarawak activistsTHE proposal for a two-tier cabinet separating Muslim and non-Muslim ministers is counter-progressive and will lead to greater division within Malaysia, Sarawak activists said today.

“It appears that the two-tier cabinet system implies that non-Muslims are not good and wise enough to think through good policies for the nation,” said Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian.

“This is absolutely absurd and unacceptable to any right-thinking Malaysian,” the Ba Kelalan assemblyman said in reaction to PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang’s proposal yesterday.

Abdul Hadi told a dialogue session that if the Islamist party wins in the next election, their administration would be divided into two – one is a cabinet made up of only Muslim policymakers, while the second would be made up of technocrats, who would include non-Muslims, to implement the government policies.

“Hadi’s proposal is misplaced in a democratic Malaysia as it brings in his theocratic ideology into a secular Malaysia.

“It is therefore in violation of the constitution, the supreme law of the land,” Baru said.

Political activist Peter John Jaban concurred with Baru’s view and said Hadi’s proposal runs counter to the accepted norm of a multiracial country, and particularly in Sarawak where Muslims make up only 25% of the population.

“Theocratic views like Hadi’s are what drives Malaysians to be fed up with race-based politics.

“It’s holding back the progress in our country.

“Malaysia is a multicultural nation and should be pushing towards a system of government that is blind to race and religion,” he said.

Jaban said Hadi’s proposal instead is driving the country towards “even greater division”.

“Surely, the only thing that matters is the ability to do the job well.

“Hadi’s proposal is the absolute opposite of a modern meritocracy.”

The Sarawak for Sarawakians (S4S) political activist said what Hadi is attempting to do, in the case of Sarawak, is to impose the rules and culture of a minority on the majority.

“It’s the very essence of colonialism.

“If this is Hadi’s aim, then I hope all Sarawakians will use their vote at the election to show PAS, and any parties that are in coalition with them, that Sarawak is a state of racial and religious harmony and equality, fit for the 21st century.

“This also one of the reasons why some Sarawakians are not keen on Malaysia,” Jaban said.

Source : The Malaysian Insight by Desmond Davidson



  1. This stupid Taliban did not know what he was proposing . He has always use religion and race as his political weapon to entice the naive and ignorant Malay Muslims in the rural areas to support Pas Islamic agenda. How could this scumbag and idiotic Taliban asked the Court to respect the status of Islam when the Court has demonstrated rightly that it must be colour blind to Religions and Races.

    Comment by Sabri Yaman — February 6, 2018 @ 2:56 PM | Reply

  2. Some have brains as big as Pin Pong balls

    Comment by Salim — February 6, 2018 @ 9:24 AM | Reply

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