Hornbill Unleashed

June 23, 2017

Why disparage DOJ suit when can’t deny facts?

Filed under: Politics — Hornbill Unleashed @ 8:01 AM

Why disparage the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) US$1.7 billion asset seizure suit if  Abdul Rahman Dahlan is not prepared to categorically deny on behalf of Najib Abdul Razak and Rosmah Mansor that they have received US$732 million in cash and a US$27.3 million pink diamond pendant respectively?

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman continued his tirade against the US DOJ again yesterday, accusing the DOJ of publishing a “half-cooked report”.

He even insinuated that the United States of attempting to influence the results of the impending Malaysian election. “Is it because the election is around the corner and some desperate quarters need a leg-up?” he tweeted.

This is on top of the minister in-charge of the Economic Planning Unit berating the US DOJ the previous day, “you (DOJ) mock, you gave the impression that Rosmah and the diamond did something wrong. But in the document you submitted, you didn’t include the diamond as one of the items that you want to seize. It was unnecessary to put the name there.”

The minister is saying that since the election is around the corner, the US DOJ should not have filed the updated suit last week, as it might influence the results of the election, since it implicates both the prime minister and his wife of misappropriating state funds for their own personal benefit?

Is the minister trying to tell the US that they should have waited until the election is over and the Najib administration has won a new mandate, before publishing such scandalous allegations against those who have misappropriated more than US$5.6 billion of funds from 1MDB?

Does the minister realise how ridiculous he sounds? Is he really that half-witted, or is he only pretending to be so?

In responding to Abdul Rahman’s criticism, the US DOJ said that they “have to allege enough facts to show a reasonable belief that United States money laundering and other criminal laws were violated and that the subject assets were involved in or traceable to these illegal transactions.”

Surely Abdul Rahman would know that the way to fight a factual allegation is to provide factual evidence which destroys the allegations. The daily repetitive attempts by the minister and his colleagues to taint the US investigations with insinuations of political and other motives not only does not help the cause of the prime minister and his wife, they actually worsen the negative perception because the alleged facts have not been challenged.

Malaysians are asking, if the US DOJ is indeed concocting malicious allegations against the prime minister and his wife as the cabinet Ministers continue to insist, why haven’t the allegations been denied?

In fact, why haven’t Najib produce the proof that this bank account(s) never received the purported US$732 million which had originated from 1MDB? Why haven’t Rosmah come out to publicly deny that she had indeed acquired, or received as a gift, the alleged US$27.3 million pink diamond pendant?

Their silence speaks a thousand words, while the aimless barking by the prime minister’s lieutenants only serves to confirm without a doubt in the minds of the people, the truth of the US DOJ scandalous allegations.

Perhaps in his eagerness to castigate the US DOJ, Abdul Rahman has merely forgotten to establish the facts.

Let me challenge Abdul Rahman once again, did or did not the prime minister, referred to as MO1 in the US DOJ suit, receive more than US$732 million in his personal bank account in Malaysia while his wife, Mrs MO1, acquire a US$27.3 million diamond pendant after trips to Monaco and New York in 2013?

If the EPU minister can’t answer the above questions, then he should stop making a complete fool of himself and further destroy whatever is left of the good name of Malaysia to a watching international audience.

Source : Malaysiakini by TONY PUA
TONY PUA is DAP national publicity secretary and Petaling Jaya Utara MP.


  1. Laman Tualang tok kok

    Comment by tigeryk — June 25, 2017 @ 12:35 PM | Reply

  2. Which minister admitted to press that MRS MO1 is Rosmah Mansur? Rahman DALANG the TROJAN HORSE. he was instructed by SABAH MUSANG to expose who is MRS MO1. Sabah WATERGATE scandal, MO1 want to sack SABAH MUSANG after GE14, so MUSANG are hoping that MO1 will loose support in GE14 so that he could remain in power forever like Sarawak taib. After 15 years of massive plundering by musing Sabah remained one of malu-xia poorest state despite being No 1 producer of CPO and Oil & Gas. Land are being awarded to cronies at east Malaysia at alarming state. Sad as it maybe, not even one opposition party be it PRIBUMI, HARAPAN or DAP are highlighting the rampant corruption at the two poorest East Malaysia state. BeeENd safe deposit are in East Malaysia but opposition are not able to capture or campaign at East usia as lots of opposition leaders are barred from entering this 2 states.

    Comment by MIB — June 23, 2017 @ 10:07 AM | Reply

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